Tasmanian Feline Association

Tas Feline Breeders

 TasFeline works together with our many breeders to ensure that every kitten and cat are bred to standard. We work to promote feline health and support ethical breeding practices to enable them to have a happy life in their forever homes.

Under current Tasmanian legislation and TasFeline's rules and regulations our breeders regiser all of their kittens ensuring you recieve a registered, pedigree quality cat.

You can scroll down the list of our breeders (In Group Order)

Group 1 - Birman, Exotic Shorthair, Maine Coon, Nebelung, Neva Masquerade, Norwegian Forest Cat, Persian, Ragdoll, Siberian, Turkish Angora, Turkish Van.

Group 2 - Balinese, Foreign White (Longhair & Shorthair), Oriental Shorthair, Oriental Longhair (Javanese), Peterbald, Siamese.

Group 3 - Abyssinian, American Curl, American Shorthair, Australian Mist, Bengal, Bombay, British Shorthair & Longhair, Burmese (American), Burmese, Burmilla (Long & Shorthair), Cornish Rex, Cymric, Devon Rex, Egyptian Mau, Japanese Bobtail (Long & Shorthair), Korat, LaPerm (Long & Shorthair), Lykoi, Mandalay, Manx, Munchkin, Ocicat, Pixiebob, Russian, Scottish Fold (Longhair & Shorthair), Scottish Shorthair (Longhair & Shorthair), Selkirk Rex (Long & Shorthair), Singapura, Snowshoe, Somali, Sphynx, Tonkinese, Toyger

Arklan Birmans

Jan Gay

 0448 827 488


Kucinta Birmans

Annette Powell

 0427 158 648


Mayatiki Birmans

Lorraine Stevens

 03 6275 0662

 0427 600 418


Spellbound Birmans

Lesley Gaze

 0408 381 109


VanDiamonds Maine Coons

Olwyn (Olly) Christian

 0411 293 009


Cooncove Maine Coons 

Tracy Griggs



Grimstad Norwegian Forest Cats 

Tracy Griggs



Carbonel Siamese & Orientals

Charlotte Hawkes

0456 802 822


Nakano Siamese and Orientals

Vanessa Sullivan

 0450 370 299


Tiffyan Orientals

Sheryl Hay

 0438 577 976


Sooteika Siamese

Sheryl Hay

 0438 577 976


Metanoia Bengals

Lyn Dowd

 0408 003 821


  Britanico British Shorthair

Mary Zegveld



Bunratty Burmese

Fiona Ransley

 0402 490 606


Maigrey Devon Rex

Angela Monks

 03 6266 3219


Prettyskinz Sphynx

Erica Gardener


Appleisle Tonkinese

Cherridan Allie

 0407 542 378
